Konferencja Stress
16.06.2021Cracow, September 3rd, 2018
Polish Academy of Sciences The Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology
The Polish Botanical Society - Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Branch
11th International Conference
"Plant Functioning Under Environmental Stress"
September 12 - 15, 2018, Cracow, Poland
Dear Collegues,
On behalf of the organizers we would like to thank you for registration of your participation in the Conference.
The Conference Sessions will be held in the main building of the Cracow Pedagogical University, at Podchorążych street no. 2 (near from junction of Królewska and Piastowska street).
The Conference Office will be open during conference in the hall in front of the conference rooms starting from 8:00 am on 12th September 2018.
Conference Badge. For security reasons all participants will receive identification badge from the Registration Desk. Please always have it with you.
As we have already announced, a competition for young participants is planned for the best (oral or poster) presented at the Conference. You will receive a voting card, which should be returned to the Conference Office (until 1:00 pm, September 13, 2018). Information about the results of the competition and the awards will be given in a conference communiqué.
Technical equipment. Overhead projector and multimedia IBM-PC projectors will be available in the Conference rooms. Speakers who wish to do computer presentation are asked to visit the “Speaker service room” (Mr Jakub Adamski) at least 1h before their session.
Posters (100 x 150 cm) will be displayed for the whole duration of the conference. Each display panel will have the number of the poster and you will find the respective number of your poster in the conference programme (Poster sessions). Poster authors are kindly asked to be available at the poster display during the appropriate poster sessions.
Lunch: Lunches for conference participants will be served at Wavelove just on the other side of the Podchorążych (no.3) street
Conference Banquet September 13, 2018, 20:00 Hawełka Restaurant at Rynek Główny 34.
Conference programme will available for download at http://en.ifr-pan.edu.pl/stress-conference
Conference venue is next to stop “Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny” (Trams. No.4, 8, 13, 14, 24, 44 or bus 102)
We kindly remind you about the possibility of publication in the conference monograph. Details are available in the file below. The deadline is extended on request of some authors until September 30th.
We kindly ask you to confirm your participation in the conference and arriving date by sending an e-mail to m.grzesiak@ifr-pan.edu.pl.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee let me wish you pleasant and successful stay in Cracow.
Best regards and hope to see you soon,
Dr. hab. Maciej T. Grzesiak
Conference chairman
The Conference in held under patronage of Prof. dr hab. Jarosław Gowin - Minister of Science and Higher Education
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2021-06-16 08:40:13 | Dodanie rekordu | Nazwa rekordu: Konferencja Stress |